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Daisy earned her wings today : 2011-10-22

No need to change her blog title, Daisy was always happy. Even on her last trip to the vet, she managed to perk up and enjoy the “car ride”. She explored the ground with her nose and walked into the vets. Just 1 hour earlier she was yelping in pain, acting like an invisible hand was striking her head. These episodes started a few weeks ago and have been increasing in frequency and intensity. I had at first thought it was a pinched nerve but after watching her a few times it was looking more like some kind of seizure. Afterward, she would look at me with pleading eyes like I had some control over what was happening.

It was never a chore to take care of her…it was a honor. Every dog that comes into your life teaches you a different lesson. Daisy taught us to live for today. Each day is a gift to be enjoyed, a time to share with loved ones. Daisy will be greatly missed. The house is eerily quiet tonight, Daisy would always let us know what was on her mind about 730 at night when she would lay on the living room floor and quietly yip and yap until we went over and gave her an ear rub, a treat or picked her up and put her on the couch with us.

I want to thank the tripawds community for helping us through our journey.

13 Responses to “Daisy earned her wings today”

  1. tatespeeps says:

    You have our deepest condolences on the loss of your happy, happy girl. We always looked forward to her blog posts, she was a perfect example of living for today and enjoying every moment.

    Jan & Tate

  2. Dakota Dawg says:

    I just don’t know what to say. I know that awful silence that needs to be filled. I hope your memories will begin to fill that silence, and I hope Samson isn’t lost without his Daisy. You and Bob are in my thoughts tonight and will be for some time.


  3. Izzy, Ted's sister says:

    Oh boy, Mom is in tears. We had planned to have our tripawds meet over the summer in the St. Lawrence, but it never happened. Ted will show Daisy the way. They are both running free together.


  4. etgayle says:

    It was never a chore to take care of her…it was a honor. Every dog that comes into your life teaches you a different lesson.
    you are so right, it is an honor and a priviledge to share our lives with our tripawd heroes. we will miss the ‘daisy stories’, we so loved the video of her swimming in the pool. we are thinking of you guys tonight, wishing you peace and knowing that the tears you shed will fall in the silence left by daisy’s passing. hugs to you, love never ends.

    charon & gayle

  5. I’m sorry for you and your family…I was saddened to see that Daisy’s blog had sad news tonight…I had hoped it was only a muscle strain 🙁 Daisy was absolutely amazing with her accomplishments being a Tripawd.
    R.I.P. Daisy…

    Tracy & Maggie

  6. jerry says:

    The coyotes howl tonight in Daisy’s honor. We are deeply, deeply sorry. What a tough call, but a loving one.

    Daisy will always and forever be a part of this community. Her spunk and zest for life on those crazy wheels of her will always serve as an example of what is possible after losing a leg, even during the golden years. We are honored that you shared her life with us.

    Our hearts go out to you. xoxo

  7. chilidawg says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to say goodbye to our beloved friends. I know the quiet that you speak of. I hope Samson doesn’t miss his Daisy too much. My heart breaks for you right now. I know that my Chili Dawg greeted her with a big kiss & is showing her all thegood places to swim.

    Sending you hugs
    Jenna & Finchy & Spirit Chili Dawg

  8. AbbysMom says:

    We all mourn with you. I hope that you and Samson can help each other through this.
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  9. doggiemomma9 says:

    I am so sorry about Daisy. Hugs to you.

    Nancy & Butchey

  10. My heart goes out to you for the loss of your sweet, happy & and beautiful Daisy! She is now an angel running free with all of our loving tripawd angels who will watch over her with love…..We all have learned so much and have given and received such love and blessings from our tripawds. They live each day with no worries and with so much joy! They are our blessings ! May may all of Daisy’s memories keep you warm in the heart forever….
    All of our tripawd angels will forever leave their 3 paw prints in our hearts… We say goodbye to them because we love them so much! Hugs and prayers to you and your family ♥
    Spirit Indiana and his mom ~Carol~~

  11. I am so sorry that it was Daisy’s time to journey to Rainbow Bridge. 🙁 You gave her the most unselfish gift of love….you gave Daisy her wings. In time, may memories of your girl bring smiles and happiness instead of only tears and sadness.

    Godspeed sweet Daisy. Run free with all of the heroes that have gone before you. Send your mommy pennies when you can!

    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Ellen & Charley

  12. gatorsmomndad says:

    We are so sorry about Daisy, may she frolic with all her friends that have gone before her:)
    Love, Licks & prayers to your family
    Gator & family

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